Been a few days . . .
I'm back to the flying grind (trying to get up once a week or so, but grounded by the weather overhead for the last few days - thunderstorms and rain all weekend . . . FUCKERS!)
So in celebration of the weather, I hacked up some weather scripts (and imagine my surprise when I discovered I could still read METARs!)
To punish you all just the right amount for reading this dreck, Click Here for the current METAR from KFRG in all its glory (apparently there's no forecast station at FRG or it shuts down after hours, 'cuz I can't get a TAF, but you can check out KLGA or KISP for forecasts).
This system eats any recognized airport ID and fetches the most current data from NOAA. As a note, you really SHOULD use 4-letter IDs (K??? for US Airports), because NOAA has ALL airports in their database. If you neglect to use a 4-letter ID, my script adds a K for you and tries to get the information for you.
There are nice decoded METARs available (Woah... that's new!) for those of you who can't read the heiroglyphics -- See Here for FRG's decoded METAR.
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