So as anyone who has not been living under a rock knows, The man I affectionately refer to as TheSteve (Steven Paul Jobs of Apple, Inc. fame) has died. He leaves behind a legacy that includes one of the most remarkable corporate turnarounds in modern American history, catapulting what was a foundering Apple Computer into what we know today as Apple, Inc. - Maker of the iEverything.
TheSteve was an iconic figure - Famous (infamous) for his perfectionism and capricious nature, and gifted with the ability to know what the masses wanted before they knew themselves. Products like the iPod and iPhone stand as a testament to that vision.
I'm not going to further eulogize the man - Hundreds of people have done so far better than I ever could - Instead I'm going to re-open this blog by commenting on some of the commentary.
This entry may grow, or it may just remain the big two that caused me to write it - as always my blogging is totally mood-dependent.
Apple Inc. announced today that the XServe is being discontinued effective January 31, 2011.
I believe this is a HUGE mistake on Apple's part as they have no other product which effectively fills this market space.
I'm not one of those "email the CEO because you changed the color of my case" shareholders, but this decision has occasioned my first email to The Steve. I have reproduced that email here to share my thoughts with the rest of you.
OHAI! Long Time No Blog!
I've been inspired by this post over at AppleInsider, titled "Apple details compatibility issues between iWork '08 and '09". Here's the gist:
Apple has acknowledged a problem with its productivity suite, iWork, in which the previous version known as iWork '08 cannot open files created by iWork '09.
Posted earlier this week, the support article advises users of a workaround but makes no mention of any forthcoming corrective updates to iWork '08. The latest version, iWork '09, was unveiled at Macworld last month with updates to Keynote, Pages, and Numbers along with a new online service called
Apple instructs users to save their documents as iWork '08 files if they need compatibility with the older version. While Apple used Keynote '09 as an example in the screenshots, the same issue affects the entire suite.
So, everyone knows I'm a Mac user right? that's not news?
And I've never had a real complaint to make (Well, the "Genius Bar" is less than useless, but it caters to the clueless faithful who love OS X for the glitz and GUI, but phone support has never been anything but helpful...)
So what's my bitch? Well here's the rub from eWeek's AppleWatch blog.
It looks like we're back to harping on "Macs cost too much" -- and you know what, I think they do.
Continue reading "The problem with Apple..."