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WBAI Gone Country


On April 1, 2009 the Off the Hook crew staged a mock-takeover of WBAI/99.5FM (NY), rebranding the station as "Country 99.5".
They revived the takeover as part of the Fall 2009 fund drive, opening their October 21, 2009 show with the same clips. Since I was listening on my iPhone I managed to capture one of the "Station ID" breaks for your listening pleasure.

The original program can be found here, at the 2600/OTH archives. Much hilarity was had by all.

Obligatory Beg: If you're a WBAI listener please donate, volunteer, or both. The station is still trying to unwind years of financial mismanagement, and without help its continued existence is far from certain.

Obligatory Notice: This is not the place to bitch and moan about why your favorite faction is best suited to run WBAI, or for the various factions to snipe at eachother.
If you think you can do better than the current regime: Run for the LSB next year.
If you have ideas about how to help the station: Show up to LSB meetings & talk about them.
If you start shit here: Your comments will be screened and your IP blocked.

I feel stupid posting this notice on such a low-traffic blog, but some of the infighting going on around WBAI makes me wonder if we as a community are mature enough to have a station like this.


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