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I'm in my server, upgradin my blogz


Well, it looks like  s9y and PHP 5.3.0 are not the best of friends -- lots of deprecated crap that was scrolling many Deprecated: messages at the bottom of my blog.  (Stupid software. Stupid deprecation. Stupid...STUPID!) 

Upgraded to s9y 1.5 prerelease, replaced a few wayward split() calls (now deprecated) with explode() (still permissible and technically "better" since it's split()-ing on a plain string and not a regex), and now I don't have to look at that shit anymore.

All of this because I'm preparing to launch another N-part series on Bacula, & remote VTLs.  Stay tuned.


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mikeg on :

*Test Comment to see how broken 1.5 is

mikeg on :

*...Good, all the ugly seems to be confined to my view of the universe ;)

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