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Dear ImageMagick: FUCK YOU.


Dear ImageMagick,


No Love,


 As the one or two of you who read this blog may have noticed, all my thumbnails recently vanished.  This is because I rebuilt my thumbnail images, and ImageMagick appears to have bloody well shat itself (segfaulting when processing jpeg files).

I fought with it all through this weekend with no luck, and this morning I got fed up and installed GraphicsMagick -- Smaller, Faster, and it doesn't segfault when processing images.  I highly recommend it in place of ImageMagick for any code that uses the convert binary ("gm convert" appears to be 100% command-line compatible).


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Justin Dearing on :

*I'm glad that there is an alternative to ImageMagic that doesn't suck. I've been using FreeImage on windows because that't not a memory leaky pile of crap.

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