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Let's talk about sex....

Gotchya! Actually let's talk about the ANTI-sex: email. Be it known that SMTP verily doth suck the Big Giant Wang, and woe is upon the face of the Wang as SMTP's big pointy bat fangs do nastily fillet his most sensitive parts. Be it further known that I have wasted nearly 11 years of my life learning all about sendmail, the venerable bat that symbolizes everything wrong with SMTP. And finally, be it known that I fucking host a server for $100/month, and I damn well want to be able to use it to send fucking mail from wherever I am (Are you LISTENING Optimum Online? You suck too!) Continue reading "Let's talk about sex...."

Muy Very Interesting

Tracking your flight by watching routers chat Complete with a very good explanation of network routing. Basically, he was able to track his flight by watching the BGP updates. A bit wasteful (each aircraft has a C-Block (CIDR /24), which it announces via good old-fashioned BGP), but definitely better than a centralized access exchange and a bunch of traffic being shipped there (cranking the latency up as you get further from the company's exchange). I'm not crazy about the fact that each aircraft is NAT'd (each one is a flying C-Block, why not give everyone a public address for the flight? (YES I *KNOW* there are good reasons not to, so STFU. I'm just bitter because I'd like a routable address!) Go read it, check out below for more of my thoughts. Continue reading "Muy Very Interesting"