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OMGZor... too funny!

Flying In celebration of tomorrow's (hopeful) return to flight training, Lizzie sent me this: TSAThemeSong.mp3 Lyrics below the jump
All my bags are packed, I have my ID A printed itinerrary A boarding pass And major credit card... And I'll show you that My computer works I'll shake my head At all the jerks Whose crankyness is making this so hard. So frisk me to check for clues Tell me to take off my shoes Touch me, ask me what you need to know Cuz I'm leavin' On a jet plane Just stand in line and don't complain. And soon they'll let me go. It's embarassing each time I hear Detectors beep on my brasere It's underwire, so watch your hands you PUNK. There's no hurry now, My flight's delayed. It's all because somebody made a joke and asked 'so is our pilot drunk?' So frisk me to check for clues Tell me to take off my shoes Touch me, ask me what you need to know. Cuz I'm leavin' On a jet plane Just stand in line and don't complain. And so, We'll get to go. Now its time, unless they're lyin' One more line, and I'll be flyin' A random search, and I'll be on my way... At the gate, whats this I see? My airline's declared bankruptcy! They've cancelled every flight they have today. I'm PISSED, and I want some booze! Tell me where they took my shoes! Hold me back, cuz there's one thng I know - I'm not leavin' - there's no jet plane Just 18 hours down the drain!


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